How to Access Cerner from Clinic

From UofL General Peds
  1. Go to the website to access the Citrix log on screen.
  2. Log in using your username and password.
    • Username: This is different than for the Citrix we use in the clinic. For at least some people, it is 9 followed by the last 4 of your social security #.
    • Password: You can call ULH IT help at 502-562-3637 to reset password.
  3. Citrix desktop pulls up. Choose the second icon on the top row; it is a file folder labeled "Cerner KYONE—ULH"
  4. This will pull up secondary desktop. Choose the 6th icon on the top row that is a blue "P" labeled as "PowerChart KYPRD"
    • Username: First and last name (all one word)
    • Password: ULH IT (502-562-3637) can reset password for this as well.